Job Stress, Social Support at Work, and Insomnia in Japanese Shift Workers
Kawakami Norito
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Nakata Akinori
National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health
Araki Shunichi
National Inst. Of Occupational Safety And Health
Haratani Takashi
National Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health
Hayashi Takeshi
National Institute Of Industrial Health
Takahashi M
National Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health
Haratani T
National Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health
Kawakami N
Department Of Mental Health Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Masaya
National Inst. Of Occupational Safety And Health
Kobayashi Fumio
Department Of Health And Psychosocial Medicine Aichi Medical University
Nakata Akinori
Div. Of Applied Res. And Technol. National Inst. For Occupational Safety And Health
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Nakata A
National Inst. For Occupational Safety And Health
Department of Public Health and Occupational Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
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