Associations of Individuals' Health-related Behavior with Their Own or Their Spouses' Smoking Status
SHIMIZU Hiroyuki
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
Department of Mental Health, Tokyo University Graduate School of Medicine
Kawakami Norito
Department Of Mental Health Department Of Psychiatric Nursing Tokyo University Graduate School Of Me
Kawakami Norito
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Gifu University School of Medicine
INABA Shizuyo
Department of Public Health, Gifu University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Gifu University School of Medicine
NAGATA Chisato
Department of Public Health, Gifu University School of Medicine
Kurisu Yoko
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Inaba Shizuyo
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
岐阜大学 医学部疫学予防医学
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
Department Of Public Health Gifu Universityschool Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Nagata Chisato
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Nagata Chisato
Department Of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nagata Chisato
Kurisu Yoko
Department Of Public Health Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Kawakami N
Department Of Mental Health Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Kawakami Norito
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Den
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Public Health Gifu University School Of Medicine
Takatsuka Naoyoshi
Department Of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Prevention For Lifestyle-related Diseases Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
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