Suicide Gene Therapy for Chemically Induced Rat Bladder Tumor Entailing Instillation of Adenoviral Vectors
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-05-31
Suzuki Satoru
Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
SHIMIZU Hiroyuki
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
Igarashi T
Division Of Oncology And Hematology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Igarashi Tadahiko
神戸大学 医学研究科腫瘍内科学
Akimoto Masao
Department of Urology, Nippon Medical School
Akimoto Masao
Department Of Urology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medical School
Shimada Takashi
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Center for Advanced Medical Technology, Nippon Med
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Center for Advanced Medical Technology, Nippon Med
Igarashi Tadahiko
Hematology And Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital East
Suzuki S
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Akasaka Shuji
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Shirakawa Takasi
First Department Of Surgery Nippon Medical School
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Shimada Takashi
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Isao
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Okayama University Medical School
Igarashi Takehito
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Shimada Takashi
Department of Applied chemistry, Kinki University School of Science and Technology
Suzuki Satoru
Department of Aging and Geriatrics, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Medicine
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