Energy Transport in Lennard-Jones Particle System(The 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition -Recent Progress on Computational Statistical Physics-)
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Energy transport phenomena in Lennard-Jones particle systems are studied using nonequilibrium simulation with molecular dynamics method. Thermal conductivity in finite size system κ(L) converges with a simple 1/√<L> in gas, liquid and solid phases. Lennard-Jones particle system reproduced normal thermal conduction which is described by Fourier's heat law. The κ(L) decreases by 10% from the macroscopic thermal conductivity at L〜1100 in gas phase, L〜80 in liquid phase, and L〜150 in solid phase. To describe and understand the microscopic origin of the nonequilibrium thermal conduction, we study the microscopic energy flux carried by a single particle j and its distribution. When steady heat flux flows in the system, the distribution of j is distorted along the direction of the energy flux. The nonequilibrium distribution is described by the equilibrium distributions with different two temperatures. When the system is in nonlinear response region, the distribution has a form different from the one of linear response region even though the global temperature profile reproduces a linear form.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2009-04-24
YUKAWA Satoshi
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University
The Theoretical Biochemistry Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
ITO Nobuyasu
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
Shimada T
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics and Electronics, Osaka Prefecture University
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Ogushi Fumiko
The Theoretical Biochemistry Laboratory Riken Advanced Science Institute
Ogushi Fumiko
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Yukawa S
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Yukawa Satoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo:department Of E
Shimada Takashi
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Yukawa Satoshi
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Shimada Takashi
Department of Applied chemistry, Kinki University School of Science and Technology
Ito Nobuyasu
Department of applied Physics
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