Long-Time Tail Problem and Anomalous Transport in Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices(The 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition -Recent Progress on Computational Statistical Physics-)
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Equilibrium autocorrelation functions of heat flux in a model of three-dimensional insulating solids are investigated through nonequilibrium particle dynamics simulations. We employ the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU)-β nonlinear lattice in which there exist only nearest-neighbor interactions with harmonic and bi-quadratic nonlinear terms. In an fcc lattice of the size of 192^3, power-law decay of the equilibrium autocorrelation function, which is often referred to as a long-time tail, is confirmed, but its decay exponent has turned out to be 0.74(1) which is different from 1.5 expected from hydrodynamic phenomenology for three-dimensional systems. This value, 0.74(1), of a decay exponent implies that thermal conductivity of this system diverges with size. Finite size effects are studied using one-dimensional FPU-β lattices.
- 2009-04-24
ITO Nobuyasu
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
Shiba Hayato
Univ. Tokyo Kashiwa Jpn
Shiba Hayato
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo:department Of P
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
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