Ferromagnetic Transition of ±J Ising Spin Glass Model on Square Lattice
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The ferrotmagnetic transition of B,7-Ising spin-glass model on sqtrare lattice is studied by usinglVIonte Carlo sitaatrlation. At ferrortaagnetic-bond density p : 0.96 xvhere the system showsferroraaagnetic transition, tlte spontsxneotrs taaagnetization, the ratio (m') / <777'>' and the noneqtrilibritruta relaxation (NER) are studied. The transition is estiuaaated to be at K. : 0.5100(1).The analysis by NER gixxes the taaost reliable estitn?ttion with the least CPU tinaae ['or sin?tulationsanuong the three ttaethods. The valtre of rnagnetization exponerat f3 is estinaated to be 0.130(10)which coincides with thatt of the pttrely ferrotnagnetic Ising unodel (p :: 1). The dynarnicalcritical exponent z is estitaaated to be 2.418(23) froun the NER analysis which is different frotnthat of the ptrre umodel. The size of siuaatrlated lattices is Lip to 2001 X 2000, and the ntrmber of'totally trpdated Ising spins is 5.5 x 10"
- 1998-04-15
ITO Nobuyasu
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
Department of Neurosurgery, Matsunami General Hospital
Matsuhisa Takashi
Department Of Neurosurgery Matsunami General Hospital
Matsuhisa Takashi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Ito Nobuyasu
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
KITATANI Hedetsugu
Department of Electrical Engineering,Nagaoka University of Technology
Murai Toshihiro
The Department Of Internal Medicine Matsunami General Hospital
Kitatani Hidetsugu
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Kitatani Hedetsugu
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Murai Toshihiro
Depertment Of Medicine/clinical Research Center Of Endocrinology &metabolism Matsunami Hospital
Ito Nobuyasu
Department of applied Physics
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