Adrenal Insufficiency after Incomplete Resection of Pituitary Macrocorticotropinoma of Cushing's Disease: Role of High Molecular Weight ACTH
Oki Yutaka
The Second Division Department Of Medicine
Oki Yutaka
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Hamamatsu University
Yasuda K
Department Of Endocrinology Diabetes And Rheumatology Gifu University School Of Medicine
HIRATA Toshifumi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya National Hospital
YAMAKITA Noriyoshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Matsunami General Hospital
MURAI Toshihiro
Department of Internal Medicine, Matsunami General Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Matsunami General Hospital
IKEDA Tsuneko
Department of Pathology, Matsunami General Hospital
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu university School of Medicine
Kuwayama A
National Nagoya Hospital Nagoya Jpn
Kuwayama Akio
Department Of Neurosurgery Matsunami General Hospital
Yasuda Keigo
Department Of Endocrinology Diabetes And Rheumatology Gifu University School Of Medicine
Matsuhisa Takashi
Department Of Neurosurgery Matsunami General Hospital
Matsuhisa Takashi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Hirata Toshifumi
Department Of Neurosurgery Matsunami General Hospital
Yoshino Kouji
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Ikeda Tsuneko
Department Of Pathology Matsunami General Hospital
Ikeda Tsuneko
Department Of Pathology Gifu University School Of Medicine
Ishizuka Tatsuo
Department Of General Internal Medicine Gifu University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ishizuka Tatsuo
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Yasuda Keigo
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Kusuda Yoichiro
First Department Of Internal Medicine Oita Medical University School Of Medicine
Murai Toshihiro
The Department Of Internal Medicine Matsunami General Hospital
Hirata Toshifumi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Yamakita N
Matsunami General Hospital Gifu Jpn
Yamakita Noriyoshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Matsunami General Hospital
Murai Toshihiro
Depertment Of Medicine/clinical Research Center Of Endocrinology &metabolism Matsunami Hospital
Murai Toshihiro
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Rheumatology, Gifu University School of Medicine
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