Congestion in Multi-Lane Roads with Coupled Map Traffic Flow Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-04-28
Kikuchi M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Yukawa Satoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo:department Of E
Sugiyama Yuki
Division Of Mathematical Science City College Of Mie
Kikuchi Macoto
Department Of Physice Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
TADAKI Shinichi
Department of Information Science, Saga University
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- Characterization of EuBa_2Cu_3O_y Synthesized in Shock Processes
- Observation of Congested Two-lane Traffic Caused by a Tunnel
- Congestion in Multi-Lane Roads with Coupled Map Traffic Flow Model
- Asymmetric Optimal Velocity Model for Traffic Flow
- Multi-Selfoverlap-Ensembel Monte Carlo Method for Lattice Proteins and Heteropolymers
- Noise Induced Congested Traffic Flow in Coupled Map Optimal Velocity Model
- Simulation of Lattice Polymers with Multi-Self-Overlap Ensemble
- Coupled Map Traffic Flow Simulator Based on Optimal Velocity Functions
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- Statistical Dependence Time and Its Application to Dynamical Critical Exponent
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- Quantum Ratchets
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- Rate Constant of Kaneko-Yomo Model
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- A Lattice Model Study of α → β Transitions in Protein Folding : The Free-Energy Landscape Analysis
- Density Fluctuations in Traffic flow
- Block-Spin Distribution Functions at Criticality
- A Scaling approach to Monte Carlo Renormalization Group
- Coupled-Map Modeling of One-Dimensional Traffic Flow
- Scaling Functions for the Surface Equation of State and for the Correlation Length : Monte Carlo Study : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Monte Carlo Study of the Surface Critical Phenomena of the Ising Model : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Effects of Shape and Boundary Conditions on Finite-Size Scaling Functions for Anisotropic Three-Dimensional Ising Systems
- Dissipation Enhanced Asymmetric Transport in Quantum Ratchets
- A Quantum Analogue of the Jarzynski Equality : General Physics
- Heat Conduction of Lennard-Jones Particle System in Supercritical Fluid Phase(General)
- Dynamical Equation Approach to Protein Design
- Congestion in Multi-Lane Roads with Coupled Map Traffic Flow Model
- Asymmetric Optimal Velocity Model for Traffic Flow
- Rate Constant of Kaneko-Yomo Model