Functions of interferon tau as an immunological regulator for establishment of pregnancy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-07-01
青柳 敬人
Ja全農 飼料畜産中央研究所
出田 篤司
Aoyagi Yoshito
Zen-noh Embryo Transfer Center
Ideta Atsushi
Zen-noh Embryo Transfer Center
Imakawa Kazuhiko
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding And Reproduction Department Of Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate Sc
Imakawa K
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Fujiwara Hiroshi
Department Of Bioregulatory Medicine Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Fujiwara Hiroshi
Department Of Gynecology And Obstetrics Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Imakawa Kazuhiko
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of To
Bai Hanako
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of To
Aoyagi Yoshito
Zen-noh Et Center Hokkaido 080-1407 Jpn
Sakurai Toshihiro
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of To
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Tennessee
Sakurai Toshihiro
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding And Reproduction Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Bai Hanako
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding And Reproduction Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Godkin James
Department Of Animal Sciences University Of Tennessee
Imakawa Kazuhiko
Laboratory Of Animal Breeding And Reproduction Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Department of Animal Science, University of Tennessee
唄 花子
Fujiwara Hiroshi
Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Sciences, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyusyu University
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