Early Morphological Nuclear Events and Developmental Capacity of Embryos Reconstructed with Fetal Fibroblasts at the M or G1 Phase after Intracytoplasmic Nuclear Injection in Cattle
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We examined morphological nuclear events during the first cell cycle of bovine embryos reconstructed with somatic cells at the M and G1 phases (M-embryos and G1-embryos, respectively) by intracytoplasmic nuclear injection, and the subsequent development of these embryos in vitro and in vivo. Bovine fetal fibroblasts (BFFs) at the M or G1 phase were directly injected into enucleated oocytes, and activated immediately. Only half (48%) of the M-embryos extruded polar body-like cells (PBCs) at 6 h post injection (hpi). At 15 to 19 hpi, 54% of the M-embryos formed a single pronucleus-like nucleus. Nuclear envelope-breakdown, premature chromosome condensation and single nuclear clusters were observed in most of the G1-embryos (88%) within 30 min following the nuclear injection. At 15 to 19 hpi, single pronucleus-like nuclei were formed in most G1-embryos (83%). The potential of G1-embryos to develop to blastocysts was significantly higher than that of M-embryos (31% vs 16%). Three of five recipients following transfer of blastocysts derived from the G1-embryos became pregnant on Day 30, and one recipient delivered a calf. Our results indicate that almost a half of the M-embryos failed to extrude PBCs and that the G1-embryos developed to blastocysts at a higher rate than the M-embryos.
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