Quantum-Disk Excitons and Their Interaction with Phonons in BiI_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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We investigate excitonic transitions and exciton-phonon interactions in disk-shaped microcrystallites of layered BiI_3 in CdI_2 matrices. We have observed the optical spectra and analyze the results theoretically introducing a quantum disk model of the disk-shaped microcrystallites. The absorption band of the excitons confined in the microcrystallite has been observed in the energy region higher than the bulk exciton transition energy. For the resonant excitations within the absorption band, luminescence bands have been observed with Stokes shifts whose magnitudes are different depending on the excitation energies; the Stokes shift decreases with increasing the excitation energy. This is the first observation of the luminescence from the relaxed state of exciton, that is, the self-trapped exciton (STE) state in the microcrystallite. We show that the observed absorption and luminescence spectra can be reproduced by the model calculations with taking into account the disk-size dependent exciton-phonon interaction and the disk-size distribution observed in our previous work. From the temporal behavior of the luminescence, we find that the decay-time constant becomes shorter with the decrease in the detecting energy, while it becomes longer with decreasing temperature especially below 4.2K. It is shown that such anomalous behavior of the size and temperature dependence of the decay time constant are well described in terms of the spin-multiplet splitting of the STE states and the size-dependent acoustic phonon interaction.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2005-04-15
Department of Anatomy and Center for Advanced Medical Education by BK21 Project, Inha University Col
IIDA Takeshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital
Department of Physics, Osaka City University
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University
Iida Takeshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Systems Saitama University:(present)nec Electron Devices Nec
Karasawa Tsutomu
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Karasawa Tsutomu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Kim Dae
Department Of Anatomy And Center For Advanced Medical Education By Bk21 Project Inha University Coll
Iida Takeshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Komatsu Teruo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Komatsu Teruo
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
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