Kawai T
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Tokyo
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University
Karasawa Tsutomu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Ichida Masao
Department Of Physics Osaka City University:department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Ichida Masao
Department Of Physics Konan University
KAWAI Taketoshi
Department of Natural Science,Osaka Women's University
Kawai Taketoshi
Deparment Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Osaka Women's University
Karasawa Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Karasawa Tsutomu[他]
Department of Applied Physics,Nagoya University[他]
- 23aGR-1 電極間架橋オリゴチオフェンの非弾性トンネル分光(23aGR 分子デバイス,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 23aGR-2 電流誘起局所加熱による単分子接合コンダクタンスの揺らぎ(23aGR 分子デバイス,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- ゲーティングナノポアを用いた1分子検出
- ゲーティングナノポアによる単分子解析
- 3P-318 ビオチン-アビジン相互作用の分子認識力画像化(計測,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A-1-18 ユニポーラReRAMの簡易SPICEモデル(A-1. 回路とシステム,一般セッション)
- 27pYH-6 単分子接合の応力破断機構(有機分子・半導体・その他,領域9,領域7合同,領域9,表面・界面,結晶成長)
- 27pYD-6 単分子接合におけるMCBJ-IETSの実験パラメータ依存性(界面・分子デバイス3,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 27pYD-4 金属間架橋オリゴチオフェンの電気伝導における接合界面効果(界面・分子デバイス3,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 30aTE-7 77Kにおける単分子接合の局所加熱(30aTE 領域9,領域7合同 ナノチューブ・ナノワイヤ,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 30aTE-5 オリゴチオフェン単分子ワイヤーの電気伝導特性(30aTE 領域9,領域7合同 ナノチューブ・ナノワイヤ,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 30aTE-4 有機ドナー分子の単分子コンダクタンス(30aTE 領域9,領域7合同 ナノチューブ・ナノワイヤ,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 25aRL-7 金単原子接合に生じるジュール熱評価(25aRL 分子デバイス・DNA,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- In Situ Studies on X-Ray Diffraction and Resistance of Graphitelike Film during the First Redox Cycle and the Effect of 12 Crown 4
- Unique Electrical and Optical Properties of Conducting Polymeric Liquid Crystal
- Optical and Rheological Properties of Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Solution
- ナノテクノロジー分野 静的な化学から動的な化学へ (創刊40周年記念企画 今後10年間に化学が果たすべき課題)
- Novel Nondestructive Readout Methods For Near-field Optical Recording with Large Refractive Index Modulation in Amorphous Diarylethene Layer
- 25aRL-8 コンフィギュレーションスイッチング単一分子デバイスの動作機構(25aRL 分子デバイス・DNA,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Ferromagnetic Tendency of TDAE-Fullerene-Conducting Polymer System
- Optical and Magnetic Properties of Polyaniline Derivatives Having Ionic Groups
- Anomalous Behavior of Electron Spin Resonance in K_xC_ Film Prepared by Electrochemical Method
- Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of K_xC_ Films Prepared by Electrochemical Doping
- 3P-068 原子間力顕微鏡による1分子相互作用測定のためのIL-6及びIL-6RのN末端固定法(蛋白質・計測,解析の方法論,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Crystal Structural Change of Poly(3-Alkylthiophene) Induced by Iodine Doping as Revealed by X-Ray Diffraction and Infrared/Raman Spectroscopic Measurements
- Dynamical Processes of High-Density Excitons in GaSe Crystals (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Dynamical Processes of High-Density Excitons in GaSe Crystals
- Electrochemical Characteristics of Stable Polyacetylene Derivatives : Poly(o-trimethylsilylphenylacetylene)
- Photoluminescence Quenching in Polysilanes by Fullerene Doping and Effective Photoinduced Charge Transfer Depending on Aromatic Side Group
- Persistent Photoconductivity in C_-Doped Poly(3-alkylthiophene)
- Amorphous Photochromic Films for Near-field Optical Recording
- Synthesis of Fluorescent Amorphous Diarylethenes
- Synthesis of Amorphous Diarylethenes Having Diphenylethenyl Substituents
- Electrical Property of Poly(3-octyloxythiophene) and Its Gas Sensor Application
- Electrochemical Properties of Fullerene Derivative Polymers as Electrode Materials
- Novel Photomemory Effects in an Amorphous Photochromic Dye
- Novel Photo-Memory Effect in Photoconductivity of Conducting Polymer Containing Photochromic Dye
- Crystal Structure of Poly(3-alkylthiophene) and Its Doping Effect
- Exciton Luminescence in Tin Dioxide Single Crystals
- Energy transfer dynamics in wire-type dendrimers having oligophenylene antenna
- Rapid energy transfer in light-harvesting dendrimers having π-conjugated antennas
- Nonlinear Optical Spectra of the Confined Excitons in Stress Induced Nanostructures in BiI_3
- 1P-182 AFM観察のための平坦化親水基板上での脂質膜の安定化(生体膜・人工膜-構造・物性,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Quantum-Disk Excitons and Their Interaction with Phonons in BiI_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Effect of Order-Disorder Phase Transition on the Charge-Transfer Absorption Band in NH_4Cl:Tl^+ Crystrals
- Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Study of Si/β-FeSi_2/Si Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Optical Absorption Spectra of Ar-Xe Solid Solution
- Intraband Energy Relaxation of Hot-Excitons Localized at a Stacking Disorder Plane in BiI_3
- 学術雑誌掲載論文要旨(1994)
- Energy Transfer and Relaxation Mechanism among Exciton States in Layered Crystal BiI_3. I. Energy Transfer by Triplet Excitons
- Optical Properties of Extrinsic Two-Dimensional Excitons in BiI_3 Single Crystals
- Effect of Phase Transition on the Optical Absorption Edge and Electronic States in Ferroelectric Materials of (CH_3NH_3)_3M_2Br_9(M:Sb,Bi)
- Exciton Transitions in Size-Distributed BiI_3 Microcrystallites Embedded in CdI_2 Crystals
- Formation Yield of Self Trapped Excitons in NaCl between 10K and 130K
- 電流で1塩基分子を識別する--第三世代DNAシーケンサーに向けた新原理の誕生
- Optical Absorption in Band-Edge Region of (CH_3NH_3)_3Bi_2I_9 Single Crystals
- Phase Transition in (CH_3NH_3)_3Bi_2Br_9 Single Crystal
- Color Center Formation in KI and NaCl Crystals by Pulsed Electron Beam
- Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the Excitons and Exciton-Phonon Interaction in BiI_3 Crystals
- The Photocalorimetric Spectra in layered BiI_3 Single Crystals
- The Efficiency of F Center Formation in KCl between 10 K and 80 K
- F Center Formation in KCl and KBr Crystals below 4.2 K
- Space-Resolved Spectra Due to Highly Mobile Excition at the Stacking Fault in Bil_3 Crystals
- Resonant Raman Scattering and Hot Luminescence at the Indirect Exciton in BiI_3
- Intrinsic Luminescence in KBr Crystals between 1.8 K and 80 K
- Appearance of New Absorption Bands due to the Heavy UV-Light Irradiation in CsBr : Au^-Crystals
- Influence of the Next-Nearest-Neighbor Cations on Tl^+ Ions Doped in Ammonium Chloride Crystals(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Absorption Bands of Tl^+ Centers Doped in Ionic Crystals with the CsCl Structure
- In situ synthesis of transparent Eu-doped ZnO particle/organic hybrid
- Relaxation Process of Excitons in KI
- 1分子電流計測による非標識DNAのメチル化検出
- 面内型ゲーティングナノポアを用いたDNAの単一塩基分子識別
- Quantum-Disk Excitons and Their Interaction with Phonons in BiI_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Study of Si/$\beta$-FeSi2/Si Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Nonradiative Transition Processes between the Relaxed Excited States of Ag- Centers Doped in KI Crystals
- Quantum-Disk Excitons and Their Interaction with Phonons in BiI_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)