Assessment of effects of traditional herbal medicines on elderly patients with weakness using a self-controlled trial
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-09-01
Division of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Toyama School of Medicine
TERASAWA Katsutoshi
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Uni
Department of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine, School of Medicine, Gunma University
Department of Pathogenic Biochemistry, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceuti
Terasawa Katsutoshi
Terasawa Katsutoshi
群馬大学 医学部医学科統合和漢診療学講座
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Uni
Terasawa K
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Chiba University
SAKAI Shinya
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Uni
Shimada Y
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama
SATO Nobuhiko
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Uni
OCHIAI Hiroshi
Human Science, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Shimada Y
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Sakai Shinya
Department Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine
Sakai Shinya
Department Of Health Science Hokkaido University
Kita T
Department Of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine School Of Medicine Gunma University
Ochiai H
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University.
Shimada Y
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials Tohoku University
Shimada Yuji
Microsystem Research Center Precision And Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Shimada Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
島田 洋蔵
嶋田 豊
Kogure Toshiaki
Department Of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Gunma University School Of M
Tahara Eiichi
Department Of Japanese Oriental (kampo) Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutic
Kita T
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Shibagaki Yukari
島田 洋蔵
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Shimada Yutaka
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology School Of Medicine Chiba Unversity
Terasawa Katsutoshi
Department Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Unive
Shimada Yutaka
21^<st> Century Coe Program Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Origasa Hideki
Division Of Biostatistics And Clinical Epidemiology University Of Toyama Graduate School Of Medicine
Ochiai Hiroshi
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama:21st Century Coe Program Univer
Sato Nobuhiko
Department Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Unive
Terasawa Katsutoshi
Department Of Japanese Oriental (kampo) Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutic
Shimada Yutaka
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology School Of Medicine Chiba University
Ochiai Hiroshi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Terasawa Katsutoshi
Department Of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine School Of Medicine Gunma University
Tahara Eiichi
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Institute of Traditional Medicine, Kinki University
SAKAI Shinya
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Hospital Organization Shikoku Cancer Center
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- Effects of hardness on decoction of Chinese medicine
- A case of rheumatoid arthritis complicated by bucillamine-induced nephropathy satisfactorily treated with Kampo medicines
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- A case of pustulotic arthro-osteitis successfully treated with Kampo medicines
- Electrogastrographic power ratio in humans is not related to changes in antrum-skin distance but to antral motility
- Effect of Kampo treatment on chronic viral hepatitis on the basis of traditional diagnosis
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- The examination of endoscopic findings in 221 cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with Japanese Oriental (Kampo) medicine
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- Effects of Oriental medicines on the production of advanced glycation endproducts
- Inhibitory effects of Cinnamomi Cortex and cinnamaldehyde on oxygen-derived free radical-induced vasocontraction in isolated aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats
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- Immunohistochemical Detection of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase in Normal Mucosa and Precancerous Lesions of the Stomach
- Expression of Telomerase Catalytic Component, Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase, in Human Gastric Carcinomas
- Investigation of optimal anticoagulation strategy for stroke prevention in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation : The J-RHYTHM Registry study design
- NK cell regulation and traditional herbal medicine(Clinical study)
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- 一次性頭痛における漢方治療の有効性 (特集 漢方薬と西洋薬の併用(2))
- 12. 小児陰嚢水腫に対し漢方治療が有効であった1例(一般演題,第16回日本小児外科漢方研究会)
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- Preventive Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid on Coronary Artery Disease in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease : Subanalysis of the JELIS Trial