Expression of Telomerase Catalytic Component, Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase, in Human Gastric Carcinomas
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-11-30
田原 英一
Department of Pathogenic Biochemistry, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceuti
Tahara E
First Department Of Pathology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
田原 英一
Tonami Sunshine Hospital
IDE Toshinori
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
Yasui W
Department Of Molecular Pathology Hiroshima University Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences
Yasui Wataru
First Department Of Pathology Hiroshima Universiry School Of Medicine
Tahara E
Radiation Effects Res. Foundation Hiroshima
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology,Hiroshima University School of Medicine
TAHARA Hidetoshi
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology,Hiroshima University School of Medicine
Tahara Eiichi
Department Of Japanese Oriental (kampo) Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutic
Ide Toshinori
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Ide Toshinori
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima Univer
Ishikawa F
Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Ishikawa Fuyuki
Department Of Gene Mechanisms Graduate School Of Biostudies Kyoto University
Department of Life Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
First Department of Pathology Hiroshima University School of Medicine
Nakayama Jun-ichi
Department Of Life Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tahara Hidetoshi
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima Univer
Tahara Eiji
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
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