Polyol metabolism in the mycelium and fruit-bodies during development of Flammulina velutipes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-10-15
MORI Nobuhiro
Department of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori
大賀 祥治
Mori N
Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction Corp. Chiba Jpn
Mori N
Tottori Univ. Tottori Jpn
Kitamoto Yutaka
Department Of Agricucultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
大賀 祥治
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Kyushu Unviversity
Ohga Shoji
Research Institute of University Forests, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Ohga Shoji
Research Institute Of University Forests Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Mori Nobuhiro
Department Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori Univ
Kikuchi Atsuko
Department Of Biochemistry And Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Kitamoto Yukata
Department Of Biochemistry And Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
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