Comparison of defatted rice bran with raw rice bran as a supplement for Lentinula edodes sawdust-based cultivation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本きのこ学会の論文
- 2002-10-31
大賀 祥治
Chiba Prefectural Forest Research Center
大賀 祥治
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Kyushu Unviversity
Ohga Shoji
Department Of Forest And Forest Prducts Sciences Kyushu University
Terashima Yoshie
Chiba Prefectural Forest Experiment Station
Igusa Hisao
Boso Oil & Fat Co. Ltd.
Igusa Hisao
Boso Oil & Fat Co. Ltd.
Ohga Shoji
Department Of Agro-environmental Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
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