Intracellular Hyperthermia for Cancer Using Magnetite Cationic Liposomes : An in vivo Study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-04-30
Yoshida Jun
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
SHINKAI Masashige
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya university
Honda Hiroyuki
Department Of Bioengineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Wakabayashi T
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagoya Central Hospital
Kobayashi T
Graduate School Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Kobayashi Takeshi
Department Of Biological Chemistry College Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu University
Shinkai Masashige
Dep. Of Chemistry And Biotechnology School Of Engineering Univ. Of Tokyo Tokyo 113-8656 Jpn
Wakabayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Neurosurgery Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya University
YANASE Mitsugu
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Yoshida Jun
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Honda Hiroyuki
Department Of Anesthesia Niigata City General Hospital
Yanase Mitsugu
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Shinkai Masashige
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
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