Binding of Anti-Band 3 Autoantibody to Sialylated Poly-N-Acetyllactosaminyl sugan Chains of Band 3 Glycoprotein on Eviednce for Anti-Band 3 Autoantibody Binding to the Sugar Chains of Oxidized and Senescent Erythrocytes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-04-01
別府 正敏
東京薬大 公衆衛生学
別府 正敏
別府 正敏
東京医科大学 小児科学
School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
BEPPU Masatoshi
School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
Ando Ken
School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
菊川 清見
Beppu M
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
Beppu Masatoshi
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Ando K
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Beppu Masatoshi
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo Univ. Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Kikugawa Kiyomi
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science
Ando Ken
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science
- P-048 アスコルビン酸、エリソルビン酸によるハンバーグ中の変異原生成の抑制
- Modification of Delipidated Apoprotein B of Low Density Lipoprotein by Lipid Oxidation Products in Relation to Macrophage Scavenger Receptor Binding
- 酸化ストレスを克服する生体の戦略
- 老化細胞,酸化細胞およびアポトーシス細胞の糖鎖を介する除去機構
- ラット赤血球膜の酸化的ストレスに対するn-3系多価不飽和脂肪酸摂取の影響
- マクロファージの酸化LDL取込みの抗酸化剤による抑制とその機構
- Characterization of Lactoferrin-Binding Proteins of Human Macrophage Membrane : Multiple Species of Lactoferrin-Binding Proteins with Polylactosamine-Binding Ability
- 炎症性マウス腹腔マクロファージによる鉄酸化赤血球の認識機構
- 酸化タンパク質を選択的に分解する赤血球細胞質のセリンプロテアーゼの分離
- 赤血球膜band 3糖タンパク質のクラスタリングによるanti-band 3自己抗体結合部位の生成
- Recognition of Poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl Saccharide Chains on Iron-Oxidized Erythrocytes by Human Monocytic Leukemia Cell Line THP-1 Differentiated into Macrophages
- Binding Characteristics of Human Lactoferrin to the Human Monocytic Leukemia Cell Line THP-1 Differentiated into macrophages
- 細胞の脂質過酸化と老化
- Urinary Excretion of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances of Healthy Subjects Supplemented with a High Dose of d-α-Tocopherol
- Binding and Uptake of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) by Macrophage Scavenger Receptors Are Enhanced by Substrate-Bound Fibronectin
- Evidence for Accumulation of Lipid Hydroperoxides during the Aging of Human Red Blood Cells in the Circulation
- 老化細胞のクリアランスと老化細胞抗原
- 酸化的ストレスによる損傷を受けた細胞に対する生体防御
- A Simple Method for the Assessment of Macrophage Scavenger Receptor-Ligand Interaction : Adherence of Erythrocytes Coated with Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein and Modified Albumin to Macrophages
- Intraction of Malondialdehyde-Modified Bovine Serum Albumin and Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages
- Formation of Cross-Links and Fluorescence in Polylysine : Soluble Proteins and Membrane Proteins by Reaction with 1-Butanal
- Fluorescent and Cross-Linked Proteins of Human Erythrocyte Ghosts Formed by Reaction with Hydroperoxylinoleic Acid, Malonaldehyde and Monofunctional Aldehydes
- 天然抗酸化物質に関する国際シンポジウムに参加して
- 国際化時代における薬学英語教育を考える
- ヒト白血球抗原のCD分類
- 免疫学 : 医薬応用への期待と課題
- 小児アレルギー疾患と糖化反応後期生成物の形成の関連性
- 化学療法時における糖化反応後期生成物(AGEs)の形成亢進
- Role of FGD1, a Cdc42 Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor, in Epidermal Growth Factor-Stimulated c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase Activation and Cell Migration
- 鉄ニトリロ三酢酸による酸化的DNA損傷に対する多価不飽和脂肪酸摂取の抑制効果
- 老化の分子基盤と予防(老化研究から創薬へ) : 独自の切り口で語る
- 酸化的ストレスをくいとめるn-3脂肪酸摂取 (特集/健康と脂質の働き(DHA-EPA協議会 公開講演会より))
- 食品中の変異・発がん物質を低減する
- FXRは肝細胞において肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)によりERK依存的に down-regulate される
- HIFα以外の因子が Hypoxia に曝された肝細胞におけるFXR活性低下に関与する
- 低酸素ストレスにさらされた肝細胞におけるコレステロール代謝に関わる核内受容体 farnesoid X receptor の機能解析
- 酸化的ストレスを軽減するn-3脂肪酸摂取
- 国内産野菜からのニトロソアミン生成効率
- P1-003 NOからのニトロソアミン生成に及ぼす生体成分(活性酸素種)
- 酸化ストレスのマクロファージスカベンジャーレセプター活性に与える影響
- 食品中の変異・発がん物質の生成とDNA損傷性,およびその低減に関する有機化学的研究
- 食品中の変異・発がん物質の生成とDNA損傷性, およびその低減に関する有機化学的研究
- 変異原の生成・低減と抗酸化剤(第31回大会シンポジウム「食品中の抗変異原・抗発がん物質のヒトへの有効性」)
- 酸化ストレスの生体内反応とその制御に関する研究
- ヒドロキシルラジカルによるN-ニトロソアミンからのNOと炭素ラジカルの生成
- コーヒー飲用による尿中過酸化水素の排せつ
- 食物因子の食物中変異原低減作用と有害作用
- 東京薬科大学薬学部第一衛生化学教室
- 酸素ストレスの分子病態学 : 第12回公開シンポジウム : 活性酸素の分子病態学
- すぎたるはおよばざるがごとし(生活習慣病)
- 油脂・脂質とは何か
- Effect of Supplementation of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Oxidative Stress-Induced DNA Damage of Rat Hepatocytes(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Effect of Supplementation of a Reductone in Coffee, Hydroxyhydroquinone, on Lipid Peroxidation and DNA Damage of Rat Organs
- Effect of Estrogenic Compounds on Superoxide and Nitric Oxide Production by Activated Macrophages Assessed by Sensitive Microplate Assays
- Inhibition of Iron-Induced Oxidative Damage of Erythrocyte Membranes and Low Density Lipoprotein by a Mailard Product, 4-Hydroxy-2(or 5)-ethyl-5(or 2)-methyl-3(2H-furanone (HEMF)
- Effect of Feeding Plant Polyphenolics on Fatty Acid Composition, Vitamin E Level and Degree of Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Organs
- Proline-Rich Domain Plays a Crucial Role in Extracellular Stimuli-Responsive Translocation of a Cdc42 Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor, FGD1
- Participation of the Arachidonic Acid Cascade Pathway in Macrophage Binding / Uptake of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein
- Inhibition of the Activity of Mouse Macrophage Scavenger Receptors by Antioxidants
- P-53 ハンバーグ加熱時における変異原物質の生成は糖添加量により促進あるいは阻害される
- Cholesterol Synthesis in Mice Is Suppressed but Lipofuscin Formation Is Not Affected by Long-Term Feeding of n-3 Fatty Acid-Enriched Oils Compared with Lard and n-6 Fatty Acid-Enriched Oils
- Inhibition of Protein Phosphorylation in Macrophages by Antioxidants
- Water-soluble Antioxidants Inhibit Macrophage Recognition of Oxidized Erythrocytes
- Effect of tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) on the Formation of Nitrosamines in the Reaction of Secondary Amines with Nitrite
- フリーラジカルを経由する変異・発がん物質の生成と発現 : 第11回公開シンポジウム : 環境変異原の活性発現と抑制の化学的機構
- O3-11 コーヒー中のヒドロキシヒドロキノン(HHQ)からの過酸化水素産生と制御
- O-7 ヘテロサイクリックアミン変異原生成に対するヒドロキシフラノンとアスコルビン酸の影響
- P-86 ONOO^-による細胞内DNA鎖切断の抗酸化剤による阻害
- P-60(O-5) コーヒーに含まれるベンゼン活性代謝物
- ^P-Postlabeling Detection of DNA Base Adducts in Mice Induced by 4-(Hydroxymethyl) benzenediazonium Salt, a Carcinogen in Mushroom Agaricus bisporus
- スピントラップ剤ジチオカルバメート-Fe^錯体とNO_2によるNOスピンアダクトの生成
- 食品におけるフリーラジカル性変異原の生成とその阻止
- Thiamine Is a Precursor of DNA Strand Breakage and Mutagenic Substance (s) When Mixed with Nitrite
- セサモールから生成するニトロソセサモールの変異原性とDNA鎖切断作用
- Generation of a Carbon-Centered Radical with DNA-Breaking Activity from Mutagenic Fluorene-2-Diazonium Salt
- 生物科学・工学部会
- 2,2'-Azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride(AAPH)から生成する炭素ラジカルの変異原性
- Enhanced Adhesion of Oxidized Mouse Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes to Macrophages by a Cell-Surface Sugar-Dependent Mechanism
- Formation of Hydroxyfuranone and Hydroxypyranone Derivatives with DNA-Breaking Activity in the Maillard Reaction of Glucose and Albumin under Physiological Conditions
- Strategy in a Living Body to Protect against Oxidative Stress-Induced Damage
- Blue Fluorescence Generated during Lipid Oxidation of Rat Liver Microsomes Cannot Be Derived from Malonaldehyde but Can Be from Other Aldehyde Species
- Mutagenicity of Cooked Hamburger is Reduced by Addition of Ascorbate and Erythorbate to Ground Beef
- Effect of Plant Phenolics on the Formation of the Spin-Adduct of Hydroxyl Radical and the DNA Strand Breaking by Hydroxyl Radical
- Identification of the Cleavage Sites of Oxidized Protein That Are Susceptible to Oxidized Protein Hydrolase (OPH) in the Primary and Tertiary Structures of the Protein
- Is Nitric Oxide (NO) an Antioxidant or a Prooxidant for Lipid Peroxidation?
- Suppression of Free Radical-Induced DNA Strand Breaks by Linoleic Acid and Low Density Lipoprotein in Vitro(Toxicology)
- Presence of Oxidized Protein Hydrolase in Human Cell Lines, Rat Tissues, and Human/Rat Plasma^1
- Purification and Characterization of a Serine Protease in Erythrocyte Cytosol That Is Adherent to Oxidized Membraanes and Preferentially Degrades Proteins Modified by Oxidation and Glycation
- Clearance of Oxidatively Damaged Cells by Macrophages : Recognition of Glycoprotein Clusters by Macrophage-Surface Nucleolin as Early Apoptotic Cells(Molecular and Cell Biology)
- Macrophage Binding and the Uptake of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Are Regulated by Intracellular Protein Phosphorylation
- Enzymatic Removal of Oxidized Protein Aggregates from Erythrocyte Membranes
- Is Nitrotyrosine Generated in Human Erythrocytes in Circulation?
- Increased Band 3 Protein Aggregation and Anti-band 3 Binding of Erythrocyte Membranes on Treatment with Sesamol
- Binding of Anti-Band 3 Autoantibody to Sialylated Poly-N-Acetyllactosaminyl sugan Chains of Band 3 Glycoprotein on Eviednce for Anti-Band 3 Autoantibody Binding to the Sugar Chains of Oxidized and Senescent Erythrocytes
- Are Water-Soluble Natural Antioxidants Synergistic in Combination with α-Tocopherol?
- Vitamin E at Physiological Levels Enhances Mouse Macrophages to Bind and Incorporate Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein
- Effects of Vitamin E-Deficiency and/or Nitrogen Dioxide Inhalation on Allergen-Sensitized Type IV and Type I Allergy Responses of Mice
- Effect of Vitamin E on Contact Sensitization Responses Induced by 2, 4-Dinitrochlorobenzene in Mice
- 小児アレルギー疾患と糖化反応後期生成物の形成の関連性
- 小児アレルギー疾患と蛋白糖化反:気管支喘と赤血球膜Pentisidine