Joh Toshio | Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
Joh Toshio
Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
Hara Takeshi
Graduate School Of Medicine Gifu University
Hara T
Department Of Intelligent Image Information Division Of Regeneration And Advanced Medical Sciences G
JOH Toshio
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
Joh Toshio
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
宮本 敬久
Laboratory Of Food Hygienic Chemistry Division Of Food Biotechnology Department Of Bioscience And Bi
Graduate School of Health and Social Welfare Science, Nishikyushu University
Tasaki Yuji
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Hatano S
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Miyamoto T
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
- Cryoprotective Activities of Group 3 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins from Chlorella vulgaris C-27
- Isolation and Characterization of Hardening-Induced Proteins in Chlorella vulgaris C-27 : Identification of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES : PROTEINS, ENZYMES AND METABOLISM
- Molecular Cloning and Expression of Hardening-Induced Genes in Chlorella vulgaris C-27 : the Most Abundant Clone Encodes a Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES
- Changes in Translatable RNA Population during Hardening of Chlorella ellipsoidea C-27
- Isolation and Properties of Glucose-1-phosphatase from Mycelia of Pholiota nameko
- Electrophoretic analysis of soluble proteins specifically synthesized under phosphate deficiency in the mycelia of Pholiota nameko
- Acid phosphatase isozymes secreted under phosphate-deficient conditions in Pholiota nameko
- Purification and characterization of secreted acid phosphatase under phosphate-deficient condition in Pholiota nameko
- Changers in Soluble and Membrane Proteins of Chlorella ellipsoidea during Early Time of Hardening
- The Pathway of Dephosphorylation of myo-Inositol Hexakisphosphate by Phytases from Wheat Bran of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Nourin #61