Epidemiology and Epizootiology of Hantavirus Infection in Japan
有川 二郎
Kumada Hiromitsu
国家公務員共済組合連合会虎の門病院 肝臓内科
Kariwa Hiroaki
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
有川 二郎
北海道大学 大学院医学研究科微生物学講座
Hokkaido University School of Medicine
Arikawa Jiro
Jiro Arikawa
Institute For Animal Experimentation School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Arikawa Jiro
Institute For Animal Experimentation School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Arikawa Jiro
Institute For Animal Experimentation Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Arikawa J
Inst. For Animal Experimentation Hokkaido Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Koga Hiroyuki
Department Of Hepatology Toranomon Hospital
Kariwa H
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
- ウイルス感染症 ハンタウイルス (広範囲 血液・尿化学検査 免疫学的検査(第7版・3)その数値をどう読むか) -- (免疫学的検査 感染症関連検査(抗原および抗体を含む))
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- 腎症候性出血熱
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- Guidelines for the antiviral therapy of hepatitis C virus carriers with normal serum aminotransferase based on platelet counts
- Timing of interferon therapy and sources of infection in patients with acute hepatitis C
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- Predicting the Antigenic Structure of the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin
- Disease constraints for utilization of the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) on game ranches in Zambia
- Impact of daily high-dose IFNα-2b plus ribavirin combination therapy on reduction of ALT levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C with genotype 1 and high HCV RNA levels
- Prediction of treatment outcome with daily high-dose IFN α-2b plus ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C with genotype 1b and high HCV RNA levels : relationship of baseline viral levels and viral dynamics during and after therapy
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- Adequate timing of ribavirin reduction in patients with hemolysis during combination therapy of interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C
- Efficacy of lamivudine treatment in Japanese patients with hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis
- Efficacy of 6-month interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Japan
- Infection with hepatitis B virus genotype A in Tokyo, Japan during 1976 through 2001
- Interferon monotherapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal serum aminotransferase levels at commencement of treatment
- Factors contributing of ribavirin dose reduction due to anemia during interferon alfa2b and ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C
- Peripheral CD8+/CD25+ lymphocytes may be implicated in hepatocellular injuries in patients with acute-onset autoimmune hepatitis
- Hepatocellular carcinoma in noncirrhotic young adult patients with chronic hepatitis B viral infection
- Efficacy of interferon retreatment after relapse for chronic hepatitis C patients with biochemical response after first interferon therapy
- Successful control of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma with radiofrequency ablation
- Virological surveillance and phylogenetic analysis of the PB2 genes of influenza viruses isolated from wild water birds flying from their nesting lakes in Siberia to Hokkaido, Japan in autumn
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- Clinicopathological features, background liver disease, and survival analysis of HCV-positive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma : differences between young and elderly patients
- Changes in viral loads of lamivudine-resistant mutants during entecavir therapy
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- Evaluation of long-term biochemical responses to combination therapy of interferon plus ribavirin in those infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b and high baseline viral load
- Efficacy of lamivudine therapy in elderly patients with chronic hepatitis B infection
- Construction of an infectious cDNA clone for Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, and characterization of mutations in NS2A and NS5
- Genetic and antigenic analyses of a Puumala virus isolate as a potential vaccine strain
- Overweight and obesity increase the risk for liver cancer in patients with liver cirrhosis and long-term oral supplementation with branched-chain amino acid granules inhibits liver carcinogenesis in heavier patients with liver cirrhosis
- Experimental Chlamydia psittaci Infection of Japanese Quail
- Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Chlamydia psittaci in the Feces of Budgerigars
- Characterization of the Mode of Hantaan Virus Infection in Adult Mice Using a Nested Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction: Transient Virus Replication in Adult Mice
- Production of recombinant Hantavirus nucleocapsid protein expressed in silkworm larvae and its use as a diagnostic antigen in detecting antibodies in serum from infected rats
- Evidence for the existence of Puumula-related virus among Clethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, Japan
- Characterization of the mode of Hantaan virus infection in adult mice using a nested reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction : transient virus replication in adult mice
- Comparison of nucleotide sequences of M genome segments among Seoul virus strains isolated from Eastern Asia
- Enhancement of infectivity of hantavirus in cell culture by
- Epizootiological studies of hantavirus infection among urban rats in Hokkaido, Japan: evidences for the persistent infection from the sero-epizootiological surveys and antigenic characterizations of hantavirus isolates.
- Distribution and characterization of tick-borne encephalitis viruses from Siberia and far-eastern Asia
- Predictive values of amino acid sequences of the core and NS5A regions in antiviral therapy for hepatitis C : a Japanese multi-center study
- Single point mutation in tick-borne encephalitis virus prM protein induces a reduction of virus particle secretion
- The Mechanism of Actinomycin D-Mediated Increase of Borna Disease Virus(BDV) RNA in Cells Persistently Infected by BDV
- Phylogenetic and virulence analysis of tick-borne encephalitis viruses from Japan and far-eastern Russia
- エマージング・リエマージング感染症(2)ハンタウイルスによる肺疾患
- ハンタウイルス
- Prevalence of Herpes B Virus Antibody in Nonhuman Primates reared at the National University of Japan
- Repeated administration of recombinant human serum albumin caused no serious allergic reactions in patients with liver cirrhosis : a multicenter clinical study
- Establishment of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Hantavirus Antibody of Rats Using a Recombinant of Nucleocapsid Protein Expressed in Escherichia coli
- Detection of Hantaviral Antibodies among Patients with Hepatitis of Unknown Etiology in Japan
- Evaluation of the potency, optimal antigen level and lasting immunity of inactivated avian influenza vaccine prepared from H5N1 virus
- Development of vaccine strains of H5 and H7 influenza viruses
- Hepatic iron Accumulation Is Not Directly Associated with Induction of DNA Strand Breaks in the Liver Cells of Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) Rats
- Establishment of a neutralization test involving reporter gene-expressing virus-like particles of tick-borne encephalitis virus
- Antigenic structure of the hemagglutinin of H9N2 influenza viruses.
- Mode of Infection of Hokkaido Virus (Genus Hantavirus) among Grey Red-Backed Voles, Myodes rufocanus, in Hokkaido, Japan
- Epizootiological and Epidemiological Study of Hantavirus Infection in Japan
- Comparison of virulence of various hantaviruses related to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in newborn mouse model
- Epizootiological survey of hantavirus among rodent species in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Province, China
- Microbiological Contamination in Genetically Modified Animals and Proposals for a Microbiological Test Standard for National Universities in Japan
- Single-step reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for detection of Borna disease virus RNA in vitro and in vivo
- A single-tube RT-PCR method for the detection of Borna disease viral genomic RNA
- Protective effect of mucosal administration of recombinant human macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhM-CSF) on mucosal infection of Sendai virus in mice.
- Effect of MDP-Lys(L18) as a mucosal immunoadjuvant on protection of mucosal infections by Sendai virus and rotavirus.
- Characterization of the nucleocapsid protein of Hantaan virus strain 76-118 using monoclonal antibodies.
- Effect of MDP-Lys(L18), a derivative of MDP, on enhancing host resistance against Hantaan virus infection in newborn mice.
- Effects of muramyl dipeptide derivatives as adjuvants on the induction of antibody response to recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen.
- Viral envelope protein glycosylation is a molecular determinant of the neuroinvasiveness of the New York strain of West Nile virus
- Genetic and biological comparision of tick-borne encephalitis viruses from Hokkaido and Far-Eastern Russia
- Development of HCC in patients receiving adefovir dipivoxil for lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus mutants
- Rapid loss of hepatitis C virus genotype 1b from serum in patients receiving a triple treatment with telaprevir (MP-424), pegylated interferon and ribavirin for 12 weeks
- Management of hepatitis C ; Report of the Consensus Meeting at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Hepatology (2009)
- Correlation of YMDD mutation and breakthrough hepatitis with hepatitis B virus DNA and serum ALT during lamivudine treatment
- Guidelines for the treatment of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus infection for the fiscal year 2008 in Japan
- Guidelines for the treatment of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis due to hepatitis B virus infection for the fiscal year 2008 in Japan
- Hantavirus Infection-typical rodent-borne viral zoonosis
- The Follow-Up Study of Swine and Hong Kong Influenza Virus Infection among Japanese Hogs
- Molecular phylogeny of a newfound hantavirus in the Japanese shrew mole (Urotrichus talpoides).
- A pseudotype vesicular stomatitis virus containing Hantaan virus envelope glycoproteins G1 and G2 as an alternative to hantavirus vaccine in mice
- Epidemiology and Epizootiology of Hantavirus Infection in Japan
- Application of a recombinant baculovirus expressing hantavirus reactivities among 3 serotypes of hantavirus which causes hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
- Puumala virus infection in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) resembling hantavirus infection in natural rodent hosts