- 論文の詳細を見る
1.A double bind group comparison study to ascertain the efficacy of piroxicam in the treatment of cervicobrachial syndrome and periathritis scapulohumeralis was conducted with indomethacin as control. Dosages used in the study were as follows: Piroxicam-20 mg once a day after supper. Indomethacin 75 mg a day, divided in to three doses to be taken after each meal.<BR>Both drugs were administered daily for 14 consecutive days.<BR>2. Total number of patients involved in the study was 313; those subjected to the analyses were 295 of which 149 were diagnosed as cervicobrachial syndrome (in the broad sense of the term) and 146 as stiff shoulder.<BR>3. As for the background factors; very little differences were noted between both drugs as to their relations with other factors such as contraction period and seriousness of the ailment, although significant differences were found in both drugs in sex distinction for patients suffering from both ailments combined as well as those from periarthritis scapulohumeralis, and in ages for cervicobrachial syndrome. However, significant differences were not noted in either sex or age distinction analysis in the final stage of general improvement.<BR>4. No significant difference was seen in both drugs in the final state of general improvement for cases of both ailments combined and for individual groups of cervicobrachial syndrome and periarthritis scapulohumeralis.<BR>5. Occurrence rates of side effects were 14.3% for piroxicam administered group and 18.2% for the indomethacin group.Results of clinical and other tests indicated that piroxicam was safer than indomethacin.<BR>6. On the basis of above mentioned facts, piroxicam was judged as being more effective in the treatment of the ailments associated with cervicobrachial syndrome and stiff shoulder, if dosage of 20 mg is administered once a day.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
柏崎 禎夫
山本 真
柏崎 禎夫
水島 裕
景山 孝正
亀山 正邦
菅野 卓郎
水島 裕
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- Re-evaluation of Cup & Socket Arthroplasty
- Contracture of the Joints from Muscle Shortening:Deltoid, Quadriceps, Gluteus, Sartorius
- An Experimental Study on Osteosynthesis with Intramedullary Nailing and Transverse Screwing:Torsional Stability
- A Case of Idiopathic Transient Osteoporosis of The Hip in Prepnancy
- Effect of Surgical Treatment of Aseptic Femoral Head Necrosis
- Siblings with mixed connective tissue disease.
- The control study of the moving 2-point discrimination test in the normal hand.
- 膠原病と悪性腫瘍の関連
- The Clinical Evaluation of 99mTc-Pyrophosphate Scintigraphy for Skeletal Diseases
- タイトル無し
- External Fixation of the Fracture and the Osteotomy with Percutaneous Pins and Resin (Methylmetaacrylate)
- Soft-tissue calcification in systemic lupus erythematosus
- Complicatins of Long-term Hemodialysis in the Hand.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A case of recurrent pneumoperitoneum and paralytic ileus with progressive systemic sclerosis.
- A New Knee Prosthesis-Two-Centric, Rotating & Linked Joint (2CRL Type)
- タイトル無し