外傷性上口唇変形の治療経験 : 外傷性兎唇様変形について
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(treatment of traumatic cleft lip like deformity) Until recent years the surgical treatment of non-congenital (traumatic) cleft lip was rarely reported. We had some experiences of surgical treatment of such non-congenital (traumatic) cleft lip which was similar to congenital cleft lip. Secondary revision of traumatic scar in the upper lip region is very difficult, so that primary proper surgical treatment should be stressed.
- 北里大学の論文
- 1972-04-30
山本 真
斉藤 博臣
五島 伸幸
新谷 翼
二見 俊郎
小川 加弥太
新谷 翼
二見 俊郎
北里大学病院 整形外科
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