Stability of Perilla Anthocyanin Pigment in Waste from the Manufacture of Pickled Japanese Apricot
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Fresh perilla leaves (<I>Perilla ocimoides</I> L. var. <I>crispa</I>) were used to prepare the following five sample solutions : dark-reddish-purple Japanese apricot vinegar (DRP-JAV) containing lye (+lye), DRP-JAV prepared after removing lye, JAV solution of purified anthocyanin pigment (AN, hereafter), a buffer solution of purified AN, and an 18% salt-McIlvaine's (MI) buffer solution of purified AN. These sample solutions were stored for 60 days, examined of their pH, browning, absorbance and color tone, and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine whether it is possible to utilize AN from DRP-JAV+lye and that from the DRP lye that had been disposed. (1) The DRP lye contained a relatively large amount of AN, the recovery ratio of which was 0.85%. (2) The pH of the 18% salt-MI buffer solution of the purified AN was 1.30 because of the added salt, and did no change until the 60 day. The pHs of the other sample solutions showed no change during the storage for 60 days. (3) The extent of browning increased with storage for each JAV sample when stored at 25°C for 60 days. (4) The relative absorbance, which was obtained by assigning 100 to <I>E</I> at λ<SUB>525nm</SUB> before storage, of DRP-JAV+lye increased during storage. The relative absorbance of the other sample solutions decreased. (5) From the changes in the color tone of the sample solutions, it is judged that DRP-JAV+lye cannot be used, for pickling Japanese apricot. However, it is very much possible to utilize the purified AN extracted from DRP lye. (6) <I>Cis</I>-and <I>trans</I>-malonyl shisonins of DRP lye were hydrolyzed to <I>cis</I>-and <I>trans</I>-shisonins during storage. However, the color tone of the lye was significantly influenced by the increase in the extent of browning.
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- Stability of Perilla Anthocyanin Pigment in Waste from the Manufacture of Pickled Japanese Apricot