味覚障害を初発症状とした特発性顔面神経麻痺の1症例 : 味覚障害の回復過程の観察
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This paper described a case of Bells palsy with developmental changes of 4 primary taste qualities: sweet, sour, bitter and salty.<BR>In the patient, a female aged 30 showed unilateral facial weakness and taste threshold value was increased, especially sour, salty and bitter.<BR>Following treatment with corticosteroid, facial weakness was much improved and abnormal findings almost disappeared. The taste threshold values gradually decreased with improvement of facial weakness. After about 30 days treatment, there was apparent full recovery of left side facial weakness and disappearance of taste abnormality. Methods of diagnosis and treatment for facial weakness were also discussed.
- 当科における口腔領域感染症患者からの分離菌とその抗菌薬感受性
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- 朝日大学歯学部附属病院における歯科救急外来受診患者の推移
- 7.口腔領域感染症の原因菌とその抗菌薬感受性(一般口演,第152回岐阜歯科学会例会)
- 6.朝日大学歯学部附属病院の歯科救急外来の現状(一般口演,第152回岐阜歯科学会例会)
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