A case of Warthin's tumor with bilateral development. Immunohistochemical evaluation of tumor epithelium.:Immunohistochemical evaluation of tumor epithelium
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A case of Warthin's tumor is reported. A 62-year-old male was referred to our department with a chief complaint of a bilateral swelling in the parotid gland. He had noted bilateral nodules (benign tumor) in 1968. Thereafter, the tumor mass expanded very slowly. Superficial parotidectomy of bilateral sites was done under general anesthesia. Histopatholically, the tumor tissue was composed of epithelial cells with two layers; basal tumor cells and columnar tumor cells.<BR>Immunohistochemically, 11 kinds of monoclonal antibodies to keratin and S-100 α, β proteins were tested in Warthin's tumor. Keratin expressions in tumor epithelia were characte-rized by existence of three patterns: 1) immunostaining against PKK 1 and K 8.12, was positive in basal tumor cells only, 2) that against K 4.62 was found in both basal and columnar tumor cells, and 3) that against KL 1, RGE 53, K 8. 13, K8. 60, RPN 1160, RPN 1162, RPN 1164, RPN 1165 was positive only in columnar cells. S-100 α staining was positive in the tumor epithelia, whereas S-100 β slight positive or negative. Histogenesis of epithelium in Warthin's tumor was discussed with use of specific monoclonal antibodies.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
村瀬 範泰
岡田 征夫
森 昌彦
山田 和人
東山 秀敏
二宮 富久
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