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Dental managements in a 17 year old male patient with thrombocytopenia were performed to provide adequate care for post operative bleeding.The patient had been treated with immunosupresive agent therapy and splenectomy, but an elevation of the platete level in the blood did not occur. He had been treated with fresh blood transfusions several times due to spontaneous bleeding from the nasal mucosa and digestive tract.<BR>In the present instane, he recieved dental managements for spontaneous oral bleeding. Transfusions of fresh platelet concentrates were carried out intentionally to elevate the count of circulating platelats by at least 50, 000/mm<SUP>3</SUP> for one week after surgical procedures.<BR>In the present case, the idiopathic thrombocytopenia patient was reported who sought dental care and who already received splenectomy and prolonged corticosteroid therapy as repoted.It must be considered to produce anti-platelet antibody against fresh platelet concentrates as compared to antibody formations of regular blood transfusion.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
永原 国央
亀谷 明秀
榑沼 修二
岡本 善弘
二宮 富久
山上 隆裕
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