卵巣皮様嚢腫にみられた歯牙の石灰化機構について : 第1報特殊な石灰化像を呈する1例
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The teeth taken from ovarian teratoma (dermoid cyst) were studied histopathologically, microradiographically and X-ray diffractively. The teeth had almost normal structure although they had neither cementum nor supporting bone. However, they showed hypocalcified area and Astraea-like pattern which was very similar to a crystal of Octa Calcium Phosphate, known as a precursor of hydroxyapatite, in enamel and dentine histopathologically and microradiographically. X-ray diffractive study of the Astraea-like area showed the same crystal pattern as that of hydroxyapatite.
亀谷 明秀
宇野 克美
北島 高子
玉城 広保
山田 博基
内藤 講一
亀谷 明秀
山田 博基
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- 卵巣皮様嚢腫にみられた歯牙の石灰化機構について : 第1報特殊な石灰化像を呈する1例
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