実験う蝕予防の研究-3-う蝕源性食餌(6PMV)に含まれているカゼイン量のPb-marked Ratにおけるう窩数に及ぼす影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
After weaning of 44 rats obtained from in combination of one male and two females of commercial pure Wister strain rats and marked Pb-line in their dentin, 20 rats of them were fed on cariogenic diet (Table 1), containing casein at 10%, and the rest was gaved a high casein diet, containing casein at 15%, for 90 days. Average cavities produced for the experimental period were 9.00 in the low casein group, while 0.972 in the high casein group (Table 3). The difference between both average cavities was statistically significant. Interesting fact was that a rat gained the more body weight during 90 days produced the less cavities, regardless of casein content in the diet ( Fig. 1 and 2). Eventhough the determination of essential amino acids responsible for the present results (Table 5) was impossible so far in this study, important role of essential amino acids should he studied. Histological examination did not disclose any difference between two groups. However, three pictures appearing on the histological sections of Pb-marked rat dentin, written in the 1st report of this series, were also recognized. Statistical treatment of the relation between these pictures and cavities which have recorded before sectioning revealed that cavities accompanied with bacterial invasion and intact Pb-mark, and apparently healthy fissures were classified into two histological findings, dissolution of Pb-mark without any bacterial involvement and histological sound dentin (Table 4). Thus dissolution of Pb-mark is regarded as a sort of dentinal lesion but it does not mean precarious change of dentin.
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