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Several hydrolytic enzymes, including alpha-amylase, have recently been proved to be of antiphrogistic effect. And favoable effect on oral diseases has also been reported by Monica. Present paper is the results of some examination concerning with the possibilities of prevention of calculus formation and of elimination of inflammative state found at the chronic periodontal lesion through local administration of alpha-amylase buccal tablet.<BR>As the preliminary trials, antiphrogistic effect of a crystalized preparate of bacterial alpha-amylase were examined in the respect of histological change apeared on the Selye's subcutanous pouch of hamsters. Number of leucocytes appeared after injection of certain amount of croton oil in the pouch reduced approximately one tenth when 0.5 mg α-amylase was injected intraperitoneally immediately after the administration of the croton oil. Table In addition, intraoral population of <I>Lactobacilli</I>, examined at 6 persons, increased approximately 2.5 time more than the average change of Lactobacillus count during 30 minutes after the meal. (Table 3)<BR>Clincial examination of the diasmen buccal, an alphanamylase preparate, was carried among 21 persons of active calculus formation who deposited more calcium than 0.6 mg during 30 days around both mandibular incisors. Three buccal tablets a day were given after each meals for 30 days. And it was resulted that the reduction of average calculus formation from 1.37 mg to 0.58 mg during 30 days. The reduction after use of the buccal tablet was proved to be statistically significant. (Table 4)<BR>In the same examination, it was also found that the number of people who had more sites of the pathological pocket than one in his mouth reduced from 26 to 17. This result has also been proved to be of statistical significance. (Table 5)<BR>It was considered that more sugar originated by the enzymatic action of the alpha-amylase from the dietary carbohydrate retained on the tooth surface after meal and might have caused rise of glycolytic oral organisms and reduced activity of calculus formation. And the antiphrogistic effect of the same enzym may have reduce the swelling of the soft tissue wall of the daradental pocket.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
大谷 広明
千葉 義男
大西 正男
浜田 みよ子
桂 耐子
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