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The structural changes of sweet potato starch during the dextrinization process of steeping in 1 N acids at 37°C have been examined. The relative rate of weight loss of the starch granule with H2SO4, HCl and HNO3 was 1:5.1:9.1 in the treatment. At a point of equivalent weight loss, the average degree of polymerization (-D. P.) and the limit of β-amylolysis of the resulting products were higher in the following order of acids used, H4S2-, HCl and HNO3. The actions of these acids have been discussed in terms of hydrolysis and solubilization of starch or dextrin. The weakest action of H2SO4 has been implicated in the weaker hydrolytic action of glucosidic linkages and the controlling action of solubilization by So42-. The starch granule degraded to the similar (-D. P.) (29_??_32) with various acids showed a very close molecular distribution pattern by gel filtration using Sephadex G-100. β-Amylolysis limit was higher in the lower (-D. P.) fractions but no fraction showed complete hydrolysis. This fact suggests that the some branch points of amylopectin may be buried in the crystalline parts of starch granule. Nageli type amylodextrin has been prepared in a short period of 3 days by treatment with 70% EtOH-1 N HC1 at 65°C. The (-D. P.) of the dextrin resulted was 19.5 and the limit of β-amylolysis was 80.8%.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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