Results of articulation training on 60 cleft palate patients
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Systematic articulation training was performed on 60 cleft palate patients, 25 cases in a younger age group (3 years and 10 months old to 10 years old) and 35 cases in an older age group (16 years old to 33 years old) . Results were summarized as follows<BR>(1) Twenty three cases of the younger age group and 19 of the older age group achieved "normal" or "near-normal" speech.<BR>(2) A longer period of training was required for the patients with more glottal stop sounds to reach normal or near-normal speech. In the younger age group, normal speech was reached within 6 months for the patients with fewer glottal stop sounds, and within 18 months for the cases with more glottal stop sounds. In the older age group, normal or near-normal speech was reached within 9 months for the patients with fewer glottal stop sounds, and within 24 months for most of the cases with more glottal stop sounds.<BR>(3) The progress in the training of isolated syllables and words showed no difference between the older and the younger age groups. While a longer time was required in some cases of the older age group for the training of sentences and conversation.<BR>(4) In the younger age group, all the cases could easily achieve "normal" speech after reaching the near-normal level. In the older age group, on the other hand, no progress was attained from the near-normal level in half of the cases.<BR>(5) The most serious problem in the older age group was that nearly half of the patients stopped training halfway for various reasons.<BR>(6) Various conditions were noted which influence the results of articulation training. These were : velopharyngeal closure ; age ; existence of other disorders ; motivation of the patient ; and cooperation of the family and other related persons.
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