- 論文の詳細を見る
Nasal leakege of the air flow in producing Japanese speech sounds was measured on 97 repaired cleft palate cases.The test sounds were 3 vowels(a, i, u) and 2 consonants(b, _??_).On 38 of those cases, p, t, k were tested in addition to above sounds.In general, nasal leakage in vowel utterance was far less than in consonants, and more leakage wes observed in fricative(_??_) than in plosives.However, no marked difference was noted between the plosives(p, t, k, b).The authors found that the measurement was definitely influenced by malarticulation in cleft palate speech.When the glottal stop was used as a substitute, marked decrease in nasal leakage was observed.There was no relationship between the nasal leakage and speech intelligibility.Measurement of nasal leakage in blowing revealed that the velopharyngeal closure in speaking was much better represented in easy blowing than in hard blowing.
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