鼻咽腔構音 (いわゆる鼻腔構音) の臨床研究
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This paper reports on the clinical observation and statistic analysis of a type of articulation error which is categorized as nasopharyngeal articulation, The results are summarized as follows:<BR>1. In our speech clinic, 89 cases of nasopharyngeal articulation were diagnosed during the past 15 years, This represents 3.4 % of the total number of cases seen during the period.<BR>2. Nasopharyngeal articulation occurs mainly in/cv/syllables with vowels/i/and/u/, and/cv/syllables with consonants/s/and/dz/.<BR>3. Nasopharyngeal articulation usually manifests itself after the two year old level of language development. Spontaneous improvement, if occurs, is obtained before the language development level of 5 years.<BR>4. Results of speech therapy to correct nasopharyngeal articulation revealed greater response to treatment than with other types of articulation error.<BR>5. A history of velopharyngeal incompetence was seen in 42.7 % (38 cases) of the 89 cases, and language retardation was seen in 30.3 % (27 cases) .
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- 鼻咽腔構音 (いわゆる鼻腔構音) の臨床研究
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