Study on the Green Meat of Tuna-II:Quantitative Differences of Vitamin B Group and Minerals in Kidney between Green and Normal Bodies of Yellowfin Tuna
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In the previous paper the authors presented a few data for the vitamin B group and minerals in the green and the normal meat of yellowfin tuna. To make an approach to the biochemical cause of the greening, however, it is desirable to collect the data for the internal organs, as well. As most of the internal organs of yellowfin tuna are separated from the body immediately after the catch it is difficult to collect their samples except the kidney which is found always left in the body. For this reason the authors conducted experiments with kidney in a way similar to that taken for meat. In comparison with normally colored fish greened body was found to contain a larger amount of moisture, less phosphorus in kidney with a very small ratio of P : Ca. No definite correlation was observed between the B group content and the greening while the riboflavin and the folic acid contents were found to vary in parallel with each other in the case of greened samples. But such a relation can hardly be detected with normal samples.
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
山田 充阿弥
平尾 秀一
菊地 嶺
村山 繁雄
田部井 菊子
簗瀬 正明
木坂 健次
榎本 吉宏
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