フイッシュ・ソリュブルに関する研究-II : シロネズミを用いた市販フイッシュ・ソリュブルの大量投与試験
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When the diet of chickens contains more than 10% of commercial fish-solubles sometimes toxic effects are seen. The toxicity results from an excess or imbalance of the minerals which are present. However, the nutritive value of commercial fish solubles has great variability apparently depending on the raw material or the processing methods. It may be that this variability depends upon the presence of substances resulting from putrefaction. The present experiments were conducted to determine the effect of 4 lots of commercial fish-solubles as the sole source of protein in the diets of growing rats. Paired-feeding was used for the comparison. Three lots showed high nutritive value but one produced a slight loss in weight (Table 3, Exp. 1). The volatile basic nitrogen content of this lot was very high (Table 1). Removal of volatile components from the fish-solubles by steam distillation improved the nutritive value slightly (Table 3, Exp. 2). The toxicity of this preparation of fish-solubles was further examined with rats and mice. The alcohol-soluble fraction was toxic for mice by intraperitoneal injection (Table 8). Histamine and tyramine were shown to be present by paper chromatography (Table 11). These substances are probably produced by putrefaction of the raw material.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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