漁撈用餌料に関する研究-II : デンプン滓混合撒餌のサバ漁業における漁獲効果について
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In the previous paper1), we reported that the chum which was mixed with minced fish meat, wet starch dregs, and emulsified squid liver oil showed almost the same effect as com-pared with ordinary chum (minced fish meat) for yellowtail fishing. In the present work we carried out comparative experiments between the improved type of chum and the ordinary chum in regard to the following points: 1) sinking velocity of these chums, 2) their efficiency in mackerel fishing by a) pole-and-line and b) lift net. Results obtained are as follows: 1) Observation by a fish finder indicated that the improved type of chum had sinking velocity 20-30 percent slower than ordinary anchovy chum (Fig. 4). 2) In the mackerel pole-and-line, use of the improved type of chum economized cost of bait by half to catch almost the same amount of fish as in the ordinary chum (Tables 4 and 5). Stomach content analyses of the samples confirmed that mackerel ate the starch dregs (Table 6). 3) In the lift net fishing, use of the improved chum produced an amount of catch a little larger than did the ordinary chum (Table 7).
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