- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous papers* we reported that fish oils, when slightly polymerized, become highly nutrious more than the original ones. In case of oils from the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, and the arrow toothed halibut, Atheresthes evermanni, the nutritive value of the slightly polymerized oils were found higher than that of soybean oil. The present paper deals with a research we have made on the properties of polymerized or oxidized oils processed by various methods in order to prepare marine animal oil into edible oils. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Properties of the polymerized oils differ according to the conditions of polymerization (see Tables 1 and 2). 2. Viscosity of the polymerized oil prepared by using acid clay as catalyst is comparatively low, but when AlCl3 is used as catalyst, the oil is highly viscous (see Table 3). 3. Mean molecular weight of mixed fatty acids of polymerized oil prepared by using acid clay as catalyst is lower than that of the fatty acids of the oil catalyzed by AlCl3. 4. A polymerized oil good for edible purpose should not be too viscous. In other words, it is desirable to keep viscosity of the oil under 300 (Redwood 38°C). According to our observation, viscosity index of the polymerized oils rises higher than that of the original oil when the polymerization proceeds to a certain extent (see Tables 4 and 5). 5. When the oil is polymerized to some extent, the yield of polybromide from mixed fatty acids decreases distinctly. In order to compare the iodine value and mean molecular weight of the unsaturated acids with these of mixed fatty acids of the original oil, ether or benzene insoluble bromides which were gained from mixed fatty acids of the polymerized oil were debrominated. The comparison revealed that the iodine value of the unsaturated acid thus obtained is lower than that of mixed fatty acids. While, the mean molecular weight of the former is greater than that of the latter (see Table 15). On the basis of our experimental results we assumed that the polymerized oils fit for edible purpose are those which are low in viscosity and small in molecular weight. For this reason polymerization must be carried out by using a suitable catalyst such as acid clay when marine animal oils are processed into edible oil.
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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