- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本医学放射線学会の論文
- 1983-02-25
安藤 興一
Ando Koichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
International Space and Radiation Laboratory, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- Influence of manipulating hypoxia in solid tumors on the radiation dose-rate effect in vivo, with reference to that in the quiescent cell population.
- 25.骨肉腫の放射線治療効果に関する研究第1報 : マウス実験骨肉腫におけるγ線および速中性子線の効果(第738回千葉医学会整形外科例会)
- 5.C3Hマウスによる放射線治療後再発腫瘍に関する実験的研究(第659回千葉医学会例会・第6回千葉大学放射線医学教室例会)
- 酸素代謝速度計測に向けたマウス^O MRI計測 : 第2報
- 132 若狭湾エネルギー研究センター180 MeV 陽子線の生物学的効果比(第30回秋季学術大会 一般研究発表予稿集)
- Development of a Radio-sensitive Mutation System for the Study of Dose Rate Effects of Space High LET Radiation
- 343 放射線治療における腫瘍血管および酸素分圧分布の影響
- 290 MeV/u 炭素線拡大ブラッグピークの腫瘍治療効果
- 1A25 小児外科における併用療法としての放射線治療の新しい展開
- E117 神経芽腫実験転移モデルにおけるprgrammed cell deathの免疫組織学的検討
- 86 骨髄移植における前処置の再発に及ぼす影響 : マウス実験モデルを用いて
- 164 集学的治療の基礎実験としてのマウス神経芽腫実験モデルの確立
- 301 マウス転移モデルを用いた進行神経芽腫に対する集学的治療の基礎的検討
- Strain-Dependent Differences in Locomotor Activity after Local Brain Irradiation with 30 GyE of Carbon Ions
- Responses of total and quiescent cell populations in solid tumors to carbon ion beam irradiation (290 MeV/u) in vivo
- Changes in the Pharmacokinetics of Gd-DTPA in Experimental Tumors after Charged Particle Radiation : Comparison with γ-Ray Radiation
- Protective Effects of Melatonin Against Low- and High-LET Irradiation
- Repair of Skin Damage During Fractionated Irradiation with Gamma Rays and Low-LET Carbon Ions
- Biological Gain of Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for the Early Response of Tumor Growth Delay and against Early Response of Skin Reaction in Mice
- 269 Significance of beta term in carbon-ion radiotherapy(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 265 Relationship between RBE values of Carbon Ion and Tumor Growth Rate(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 258 Different Responses of Malignant Melanomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas to X-rays and Heavy-ion Beams-II(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Dependence of Gut-crypt Sensitivity on the Time Interval between Two Fractions of Carbon Ion Radiation
- Tumor Growth Rate and RBE values of high LET Carbon Ions
- Dependence of Carbon-Ion RBE on Dose Size -Difference between Skin and Tumors
- Different Responses of Malignant Melanomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas to X-rays and Heavy-ion Beams
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of 290 MeV/u Carbon Ions for the Growth Delay of a Radioresistant Murine Fibrosarcoma
- RBE of Carbon Ions for Tumor Growth Delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions induced resistance in mouse gut crypt cells
- Effects of sequentially mixed LET on tumor growth delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions to gut intestinal crypt cells
- Tumor Induction in Mice Locally Irradiated with Carbon Ions : A Retrospective Analysis
- LET, cell cycle dependence for mutation induction and spectrum in HPRT locus
- Cell Cycle and LET Dependence for Radiation-induced Mutation : A Possible Mechanism for Reversed Dose-rate Effect
- Effects of fractionated irradiation with carbon ions on the NFSa fibrosarcoma in mice
- Dependence on dose and particle species of chromosome aberrations and cell lethality in human cells.
- Biological Intercomparison Using Gut Crypt Survivals for Proton and Carbon-Ion Beams
- Relationship between Aberration Yield and Mitotic Delay in Human Lymphocytes Exposed to 200 MeV/u Fe-ions or X-rays
- The effect of post-irradiation tumor oxygenation status on recovery from radiation-induced damage in vivo: With reference to that in quiescent cell populations
- Early Growth of Experimental Lung Metastasis in Mouse
- Effects of hypoxic condition on the tumor apoptosis induced by γ irradiation
- Radiation Effects on Primary Cultures of Mouse Brain Cells
- Early effects of carbon ion beam on adult mouse brain tissues:damage to the hippocampus
- Heavy ions-induced cognitive dysfunction in the ddy mice
- Response of Mouse Intestine to Carbon-12 Beams in Relation to Dose Fraction and Effects of Steroids on Radiation-Induced Intestinal Damages
- Biological features of tissue response after fractionated irradiation with carbon ions
- Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes induced by esophageal cancer radiotherapy using PCC+FISH techniques
- The Proliferative Response of Mouse Intestinal Crypts during Fractionated Irradiation of Carbon Ion Beams and X-rays
- Tumor cell killing by large radiation Dose
- Time Course of Reoxygenation in Experimental Murine Tumors after Carbon-beam and X-ray Irradiation
- C61 肝再生の神経芽腫肝転移に対する抑制効果
- Imaging of Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptor in Tumor : Carbon Ion Irradiation Reduced the Uptake of a Positron Emission Tomography Ligand [^C]DAC in Tumor
- 267 Early Change of ^C-Thymidine Uptake after Carbon-beam Irradiation in Experimental Tumors(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Tumor induction in mouse legs after irradiation with heavy ions
- Chromosomal Aberrations in Lymphocytes of Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Carbon Ions
- Chromosomal aberrations in lung cancer patients' lymphocytes induced by heavy ion therapy using PCC+FISHtechniques
- Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes induced by fractionated irradiation with carbon ions
- Radiation Biology, Theoretical strategy:How to make treatment planning for heavy ion-beam therapy ?
- Ectopic Neurons in the Hippocampus may be a Cause of Learning Disability after Prenatal Exposure to X-rays in Rats
- 198 LET dependence of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Ions under Hypoxic Condition(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Long-term Memory and Neuropathological Effects of Prenatal X-irradiation in the Rat
- High Frequency of Simple and Complex Chromosome Aberrations Detected in the Tokai-mura Survivor four and Five Years after the 1999 Criticality Accident
- 放医研および筑波大学治療用陽子線の生物学的効果比
- 放射線口腔死における線質効果及び2分割照射の効果