A205 空気圧アクチュェータで駆動するマニピュレータの把持モデルの提案(OS6 制御用センサ・アクチュエータ)
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Robots are expected to be introduced into welfare fields. Because multifingered manipulators can accomplish various tasks, they are much more interesting. Most of the developed multifingered manipulators in previous researches have motor-drive system. Because of their high stiffness, these robots could harm the object they are grasping. Therefore, they can't be safely introduced in welfare fields. Pneumatically-driving system caught our attention as a safe driving source. In this research, we adopt an artificial muscle-type pneumatic actuator as a drive source. Some research works developed interesting human-like manipulators driven by these pneumatic actuators. However, their grasping ability only relies on the flexibility of such actuator, and no grasping model has been made. Therefore, in this research, we propose the grasping model of a couple of 2-link manipulators driven by pneumatic actuators, in which manipulators are face to face.
- 2011-06-28
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