132 曲げねじれ連成における不確かさを考慮したフレキシブルアームのロバスト制御
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This paper presents a design procedure of H∞ controller for bending-torsional coupled vibration of flexible robot arm. In the case that the arm does not hold the center of the payload, it processes bending-torsional coupled vibration. In this research, H∞ robust control design with structured uncertainties is utilized to describe the uncertainty in coupling of bending-torsional vibration. By taking account of uncertainties in coupling, the arm is controlled with robustness against it. In this research, an experimental system is set up and its physical model is made by utilizing the modeling method presented by Seto. According to this result, presented modeling and controller design method is certificated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-09-16
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