- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to teach receptive language skills for a severely retarded child. The skills were such behaviors as that the child could appropriately comply with utterance being presented by the trainer. Previous studies aimed at establishing such skills in children generally employed discrete trial procedure. Although these sessions can be effective for teaching skills, it is likely to have negative effects, including a subsequent difficulty in obtaining generalization to daily living. In the present study, free operant procedure, which has a benefit to facilitating generalization, was introduced to teach receptive skills. And the two kinds of manding being initiated by the child were used in this training: One was for the turning on an electric keyboard and another for the opening of a door. The procedure was as follows: When the child emitted either of two kinds of mand described above, the trainer provided the given utterance just prior to the reinforcer. In this study, the utterances "OTO-DASUYO" and "AKERUYO" were conditioned as a reinforcer with each context. Once these utterances have acquired reinforcing value, a chain will be occurred by the utterances that act both as conditioned reinforcers and discriminative stimuli. If so, then when the trainer provides each utterance in the conditions that the child has not emitted these kinds of manding, some behaviors which have been included in the chains should be emitted by the child. The results showed that each utterance acquired the reinforcing value. Furthermore, when the trainer provided "OTO-DASUYO", which was not made contingent on the given mand, the child walked to the place where the keyboard was. On the contrary, the child did not comply with "AKERUYO". The number of manding, which was emitted by the child, for the turning on a keyboard was significantly greater than that for the opening of a door. These results suggested that the preference of mand's reinforcer was important factor as well.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1993-10-29
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