ノダムラウイルスに関する研究 : 組織培養細胞, マウスおよびハムスターにおけるウイルスの増殖について
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Ever since the etiology of Akabane disease was disclosed, it has become an interesting hypothesis to pay attention onto the role of other arthropod-borne orphan virus on the forthcoming epizootic disease. It is noted to be that Nodamura virus which was arthropod-transmissible picornavirus, and which has caused necrosis of spinal cord neurons, inflamation and degeneration of paravertebral muscles in suckling mice is eligible to be a potential pathogen for other animal species. In the previous paper authors showed that complement fixation test with supernate of tissue emulsion and Daiflon treated supernate could be a useful serological method for both antibody and antigen detections in Nodamura virus infection. This article records some patterns of virus multiplication in suckling mice, young mice, young hamster and variable cell lines, pointed out by CFT or by suckling mouse inoculation. It was demonstrated that Nodamura virus, in suckling mouse passage 18,weakly multiplied in BHK 21 cells ; while none of multiplication was demonstrated in other 6 cell lines. When Nodamura virus was inoculated into young mice (4 weeks of age), virus was demonstrated at the following tissues : fore limb muscle, liver, kidney and dorsal muscle as well as in suckling mice. However, virus titres were not as high as in suckling mice. Serial passage of Nodamura virus in young gpc mouse was capable for 14 passage without any difficulty. Young hamster was susceptible to ip inoculation of Nodamura virus too.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1978-03-19
三浦 康男
佐藤 平二
Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health
山崎 康人
Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology
三浦 康男
林 重美
佐藤 平二
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