A Disturbance Estimation Type Control for Pneumatic Servo System Using Neural Network
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This paper presents a control scheme of pneumatic servo systems for practical use, in which a two-layer neural network is used to construct the inverse system of the plant, and disturbance to the plant is estimated. The influence of the disturbance is eliminated by subtracting the estimated disturbance from the output of the controller. To improve the learning ability of the NN, σ modification method, which is one of the robust parameter adjusting methods of the robust adaptive control, is introduced. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, experiments using an existent pneumatic servo system were conducted. The experimental results showed that the external force was estimated well by the disturbance estimation mechanism, and the influence of the external force to the plant output was eliminated immediately after the external force was applied. In addition, high-speed learning of NN could be realized using the switching σ modification method.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-03-15
神代 充
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
神代 充
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of medicine
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ehime University
JINDAI Mitsuru
Department of System Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and System Engineering, Okayama Prefec
Yamamoto T
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Ehime University
Yamamoto Tomonori
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Shibata S
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Ehime University
Shibata Satoru
Department Of Engineering For Production And Environments Ehime University
Shimizu A
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Ehime University
Shimizu Akira
Department Of Dermatology Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shimizu Akira
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Univ
Shimizu Akira
Department Of Basic Science The University Of Tokyo
Shimizu Akira
Deparment Of Physics Rikkyo University
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