イギリスの地域計画 : 田園都市理論の受容と変容を中心として
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In this paper, we considered the methods of transfer of the Garden City concept into the regional planning and city planning of Japan, and the transformation that may have occurred in the process. Next, "Urban Complex formed by Linkages of Middle and Small Towns", a planning theory conceived as a theory of planning in regional planning in Japan will be dealt with. The main results are as follows. (1) The strongest influence of the English urban planning on the urban planning in Japan was said from Howard's Garden City concept. The concept is contained in the detailed description on "the Garden City" by the Local Bureau of the Home Ministry in 1907. In this book, the first two chapters were devoted to Garden City and the rest describing Western social works, living improvements and education, and Howard's Garden City concept based on the elements of public ownership form of administration, manegement, self-sufficiency and a balanced society, as well as the concept of a social city was not fully described. (2) The Garden City Company Ltd, established in Japan was another idea transferred. The idea of separation of housing and working place of suburbanization was conceived by Eiichi Shibusawa and in 1918, the Garden City Company Ltd was established. This was very different from Howard's self-sufficient, balanced regional society Garden City in that it was more oriented towards bedtowns and a San Fransisco type of suburban housing. Thus, the Japanese Garden City is loyal to the concept in so far as the name is concerned, but its land development and electrical rail manegement is wholly of Japanese roots. (3) With the dawn of the Showa period, the deterioration of urban environment accompanying the suburbanization process become a current issue. The progress of urban planning activities was led by Issho limuma in his 1927 book "The Theory and Law of Urban Planning". This book not only introdues the concepts and realizations of the Garden City cocept, but also brings the Garden City into modern day context, and he also stress the need for not just the construction of Garden Cities but a series of Garden Cities in joint relations in order to realise the full potential. (4) After the war, in order to recover from damages, large scale reconstruction works became the main activity. In 1955, through the Japan Housing Corporation, housing complex development rapidly progessed. The first scale new town-Senri New Town-was constructed by Osaka Enterprise Bureau on the Senri Hills 15km north of Osaka City. The 150,000 population town is mainly a bedtown without working places. Thus, the Japanese new towns are in essence bedtown fulfilling the original characteristics of new town only in the scale dimension. (5) The formation of Linear Urban Linkages of Middle and Small Towns was first postulated by Hirozo Ogawa. In order to eradicate the consequences of overpopulation and underpopulation, he cosidered the improvement of the habitability of local middle and small towns. He pursued research on the idea of linear urban linkages of middle and small towns that would preserve the "hometowness" of small towns as well as the charming anonymity of large cities. By linking these existing middle and small towns through trasportation means, qualities of the old towns may be brought out and charm in new towns are nurtured. Observing the basic ideas of Ogawa, it seems to have been greatly influenced by the social city of Howard's Garden City, namely the features of the anonymous charm of large cities and the hometowness of middle and" small towns, including the sharing out of functions of urban facilities. However, instead of constructing new towns as in Howard's Garden City, Ogawa's urban linkages integrate existing middle and small towns, a characteristic made in Japan.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1982-10-25
山村 悦夫
山村 悦夫
北海道大学大学院 地球環境科学研究科
山村 悦夫
Yamamura Etsuo
Department Of Regional Planning Division Of Environmental Planning Graduate School Of Environmental
Yamamura Etsuo
Department Of Regional Planning Division Of Environmental Planning Graduate School Of Environmental
Yamamura Etsuo
Department Of Regional Planning Division Of Environmental Planning Graduate School Of Environmental
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