- 論文の詳細を見る
We have investigated the regional economic growth model that we reframe Yamamura formulation a continuous space format. The main results are as follows. (1) Assume that the solution of the regional growth model with the equations from (1) to (7) exists, the policy of regional investment allocation which maximizes the sum of two regional incomes is any one of the cases shown in Table 7. (2) If there exists some t^* such that 0<t^*<T and the equation (32) is realized for the optimal policy of investment allocation u_i(T) and the eigen values λ'_i corresponding to u_i(T) which are decided the relation such as P_1ψ_1T⪌P_2ψ_2T at t=T, t=t^* is a switching time of the optimal policy. (3) When the planned period T is sufficiently short and the equation (33) holds, the optimal policy of the investment allocation is concentrated to the either of two regions. (4) In the regional growth model represented as (1) and (2), the initial regional incomes are χ^∩_1 and χ^∩_2, the terminal regional incomes at the planned period t=T are equalized, and the national income is maximized if and only if the equation (34) is satisfied. (5) Assume that there is a regional income disparity at the initial time and the planned period T is very short, the equalization of the regional incomes at t=T cannot be made.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1983-08-15
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