Structure Study of Si Nanocrystals Formed by Electron-Induced Reduction of SiO_2 at High Temperature
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Si nanocrystals were formed in a SiO_2 thin film by irradiation of a high-intensity electron beam at about 900 K inside an ultrahigh vacuum field emission transmission electron microscope (UHV-FE-TEM). The structure of the nanocrystals was investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and electron diffraction analysis. Relations among the lattice distances suggest that the structure is not a diamond structure. For the structural model, a beta-tin structure with elongation along the c-axis and shrinkage along the a-axes compared to the diamond structure is proposed.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-12-30
National Research Institute for Metals
Yoshihara Kazuhiro
National Research Institute For Metals
Yoshihara Kazuhiro
National Institute Of Animal Health
Furuya Kazuo
National Institute For Materials Science
National Institute for Materials Science
Takeguchi Masaki
National Research Institute For Metals
Takeguchi Masaki
National Institute for Material Science, 3-13 Sakura, Tsukuba 305-0003, Japan
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