High Pressure Hot-Pressing of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_<7-δ> Superconductor
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An almost theoretical density of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_<7-δ> was achieved under a high pressure of 5.4 GPa. While the pressed sample showed a semiconducting behaviour, the postannealed sample showed a superconducting transition with T_c, onset = 92K, T_c, end = 90 K. The best critical current density, J_c at 77 K was 1650 A / cm^2. The crystal structure of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_<7-δ> was distorted by the high pressure but recovered through annealing.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1989-04-20
井村 徹
愛知工業大学 工学部 機械学科
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology
Nippondenso Research Laboratories
Nippondenso Research Laboratories
Matsumuro Akihito
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
Kitoh Yasuo
Department Of Research And Development Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Nippondenso Research Laboratories
ENAMI Hiroyoshi
Nippondenso Research Laboratories
Department of Research and Development, Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
ENAMI Hiroyoshi
Department of Research and Development, Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Department of Research and Development, Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Department of Research and Development, Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Department of Research and Development, Nippondenso Co. Ltd.
Kawabata S
Tokyo Inst. Polytechnics Kanagawa Jpn
Enami H
Nippondenso Research Laboratories
Shinohara T
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technology Tokyo
Imura Toru
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
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