Observation of High Dose H^+ Implanted Damaged Layer
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The fundamental mechanism underlying the hydrogen exfoliation phenomenon at the damaged layer in Si was investigated. We studied the distribution of the defects as a function of implanted hydrogen dose and clarified the key role of defects in the action of exfoliation. A damaged layer formed by high dose hydrogen implantation in a silicon wafer was observed by cross sectional transmission electron microscopy(XTEM). In the damaged layer caused by hydrogen implantation, (100)defects and(111)defects were observed. The density and size of defects were analyzed and compared with the hydrogen profile obtained by second ion mass spectroscopy(SIMS). The defect distribution was in agreement with the hydrogen concentration obtained by SIMS. The density of(111)defects became higher as the area from the surface deepened, and the sizes of(100)defects and(111)defects grew larger. These results indicate that hydrogen in(111)defects moves toward(100)defects at projection range, and the pressure of hydrogen gas caused by annealing leads to the exfoliation.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 2000-09-15
高木 誠
高木 誠
Tanaka Y
Department Of Surgery Tokai University School Of Medicine
Tokuda Y
Aichi Inst. Technol. Toyota Jpn
Tokuda Yutaka
Depertment Of Electronics Aichi Institute Of Technology
Tokuda Yutaka
Department Of Surgery Tokai University School Of Medicine
Iwata Hiroyuki
Aichi Institute Of Technology
井村 徹
愛知工業大学 工学部 機械学科
Takagi Makoto
Department Of Organic Synthesis Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
IWATA Hiroyuki
Research Institute for Industrial Technology, Aichi Institute of Technology
Tanaka Yasuhiko
Department Of Ophthalmology School Of Medicine Keio University
Research Institute for Industrial Technology, Aichi Institute of Technology
Imura T
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
Tokuda Yutaka
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery Tokai University School Of Medicine
Takagi Makoto
Department Of Chemical Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Imura Toru
Research Institute For Industrial Technology Aichi Institute Of Technology
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