Prediction of Therapeutic Doses of Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blocking Agents Based on Quantitative Structure-Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Relationship
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The usual therapeutic doses for the treatment of both angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmia vary widely among beta-blocking agents, with a maximum of about a 200-fold difference, despite subjects' same clinical improvement at the varying doses. In order to clarify the mechanism of this difference, we analyzed retrospectively the cardiac pharmacological activities of beta-blocking agents based on the receptor occupancy theory by using both their unbound concentrations in plasma at steady state (C_<ssf>), as well as dissociation constants (K_B and K_I, which were determined by in vitro binding experiments and by in vitro pharmacological experiments, respectively) for a beta 1 receptor. A significant log-linear relationship between C_<ssf> and the K_B values was obtained with a slope of regression line of 0.91 (r=0.83,p<0.01). On the other hand, the correlation coefficient of the relationship between C_<ssf> and the K_I values was low, with a slope of about 0.5 (r=0.80,p<0.01). The beta 1 receptor occupancies calculated from K_B values at the steady state condition after the oral administration of usual doses were almost constant (80.5±16.8%), regardless of the wide variation of usual doses of the drugs. This result indicated that the receptor occupancy may be an appropriate indicator for the pharmacological activity of the drug. Furtheremore, there were significant relationships between the primary pharmacokinetic parameters : C_b/C_f, CL_<tot>/F, and Vd_<ssf>, and the octanol/water partition coefficient (PC), with correlation coefficients of 0.80,0.50 and 0.85,respectively. Accordingly, it is suggested that the prediction of a ususal dose of a new beta-blocking agent can be carried out by using the K_B and PC values based on quantitative structure-Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships. This methodology should be very useful for estimating the rational usual dose of a new beta-blocking agent from the animal experimental and physicochemical data in the preclinical study.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-12-15
山田 安彦
Departments of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The University of To
伊賀 立二
Departments of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The University of To
伊賀 立二
Department Of Pharmacy The University Of Tokyo Hospital Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
伊藤 清美
中村 幸一
中村 幸一
Departments Of Pharmacy The University Of Tokyo Hospital Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
澤田 康文
Department of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tok
伊藤 清美
Department of Pharmacy, University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine
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- B-21 患者に対する坐薬の適正な使用説明のための薬品情報の収集とその解析
- 薬剤部の薬品情報業務におけるコンピュ-タの利用 (コンピュ-タは医学・医療にどのように貢献しているか--東京大学附属病院を例として)
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- 注射液の配合に関するデ-タベ-スの構築
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- 医薬品の適正使用とその実践V : 点眼液の服薬指導の効果と指導方法の評価
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- 患者への医薬品情報のあり方に関する研究-2 : 外来患者への医薬品情報提供と服薬指導 : 病院薬局協議会
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- Kinetic Evaluation for Measurement of in Vivo Receptor Occupancy by Psychotropic Drug in Brain : Implication for Human Studies
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- Prediction of Therapeutic Doses of Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blocking Agents Based on Quantitative Structure-Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Relationship
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- 22P-04 能動的服薬指導システムの構築とその評価 : 「説明用リーフレット」による服薬指導
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- 373 定量噴霧式ハンドネブライザー (MDI) の使用方法に関する認識調査と問題点の解析
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- 医薬品の適正使用とその実践 VI. : β-遮断薬含有点眼剤の適正使用のための服薬指導とその評価, および相互作用・副作用の回避法
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