Dose-Dependent Hepatic Handling of l-Propranolol Determined by Multiple Indicator Dilution Method : Influence of Tissue Binding of l-Propranolol on Its Hepatic Elimination
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Concentration-dependency in the hepatic elimination of l-propranolol (l-PR) was investigated over a wide range of concentrations from 60 to 2200 μM in an isolated rat liver perfusion system. Under the steady-state condition produced by unlabeled l-PR at various concentrations, ^3H-l-PR and ^<14>C-inulin were bolusly injected into the portal vein, and the outflow was collected at 0.5 s intervals over 30 s. Up to 300 μM, the instantaneous hepatic availability of l-PR was approximately 4%, while it abruptly increased when the perfusate concentration exceeded 300 μM. To determine which process (influx or efflux or sequestration process) caused the nonlinearity, we calculated the rate constants k_1 (influx), k_2 (efflux), and k_3 (sequestration) based on the "distributed" model. With increasing l-PR concentration in the perfusate, k_2 increased approximately two times, whereas k_3 decreased to approximately one-half. In contrast, k_1 was independent of the perfusate concentration. The concentration-dependency of k_2 was explained by saturation of l-PR tissue binding, since the tissue unbound fraction of l-PR obtained with liver homogenates and isolated hepatocytes increased approximately two times. The efflux and sequestration clearances were then normalized by the unbound fractions in the liver. The efflux clearance for unbound l-PR was constant irrespective of the perfusate concentration, whereas the sequestration clearance for unbound l-PR (CL_<int>) showed Michaelis-Menten type saturation (K_m=28 μM, V_<max>=2.8 μmol/min/g liver, α (nonspecific) = 20 ml/min/g liver). Based on the comparison of the kinetic parameters representing these processes, the rate-determining process for the hepatic clearance of l-PR is a combination of the membrane transport and sequestration processes at low concentrations, while at high concentration, the rate-determining process is the "sequestration" process. Such concentration dependent shift of the rate determining process can be attributed to the saturation of its tissue binding as well as to the sequestration process.
- 1993-10-15
伊賀 立二
Departments of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The University of To
伊賀 立二
Department Of Pharmacy The University Of Tokyo Hospital Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
澤田 康文
東京大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部
澤田 康文
杉山 雄一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
宮内 正二
Department Of Biophysics And Physicochemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Hokka
杉山 雄一
東京大学 薬系研究
沢田 康文
Department of Pharmacy, University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
花野 学
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
花野 学
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
花野 学
東京大学 薬
杉山 雄一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
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- 30-P2-173 健康食品情報の規格化とそれを基盤とした医療従事者への提供システムの開発(医薬品情報,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
- 29-P2-39 一般用医薬品に関する薬物相互作用回避のためのシステム構築と評価(医薬品適正使用,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
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- 29-P1-162 ABCG2の輸送機能に及ぼす各種サプリメント成分の影響(TDM/薬物動態,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
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- 01P2-123 ヒト胎盤灌流法に基づく各種非ステロイド性消炎鎮痛剤の胎児毒性の予測評価(有害事象・副作用(基礎と臨床),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- 01-I-04 一般用医薬品が関係した薬物相互作用チェックシステムの構築(医薬品情報・データベース,医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- 01-I-02 医薬品情報学に基づくジェネリック医薬品の評価基準の確立とプラバスタチン製剤への適用(医薬品情報・データベース,医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- P-222 ヒト胎盤灌流法を用いたジクロフェナクの胎盤透過性の検討(9.薬物動態(TDM・投与設計等)2,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
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- P-175 ホリナートとフェニトインの薬物相互作用に関する基礎的検討(7.薬物相互作用(基礎と臨床)1,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
- P-440 TS-1からフルオロウラシル製剤への切り替えにおける休薬期間設定のための薬物動態学的モデルの構築(4.医薬品情報・データベース,"薬剤師がつくる薬物治療"-薬・薬・学の連携-)
- 22C-23 遠隔地からの兵庫県南部地震災害救援医療団での薬剤師の活動
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